Hello, friend. Welcome to my site!

1. BIBD 🏦 (2018-present)

I am an API Developer for Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam

2. Startup / Projects 🚀

2.1 Brunei Work (Founder) - Live (2023-present)

Brunei Work is an AI-powered Search Engine to find the latest job vacancy in Brunei. The site officially launched on 10th April 2023 by posting on the Brunei Subreddit. It integrates with OpenAI for job summarization, identify job industry and job level. Site grew from 300+ to 1000+ Weekly Active Users in 2024. Follow for weekly job post highlights on the instagram.

The App was developed in 3 months.

2.2 BRUVERA (Co-Founder) - (2016-2018)

BRUVERA is an e-commerce site featuring Bruneian Brands and Products for Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle in 2016. It was launched under the first bootcamp cycle organized by Darussalam Enterprise. Sales was made via a Payment Gateway, MerchantSuite.

2.3 Chess Tracker App - In-Progress

The Chess Tracker App is a real-time player tracking and analysis for players on Chess.com. The app consists of a dashboard showing players that are online, in-game or offline. It has also has historical match analysis on player most played openings, win and loss rate, etc. It focuses mainly on Bullet, Blitz and Rapid.

Demo for Desktop Chess Tracker App

Demo for Mobile Tracker App

2.4 Algorithmic Trading - In-Progress

The Algorithmic trading built based on the NNFX Trading Algorithm. The strategy backtesting was performed using Python and Backtrader. Currently, still testing before going live.

3. Data Analysis & Visualization 📊

3.1 Average Property Prices In Brunei

Average Property Prices In Brunei is a data visualization report based on the average prices of Property in Brunei based on location. The analysis was conducted on November 2022. The dataset consists over 3,000 properties from 23 different property agents. The most popular type of property is a 2-storey detached house. The most expensive location is in Mata-Mata with an estimated average cost of $460,441.

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3.2 Muslim Converts In Brunei

Number of Muslim Converts In Brunei is a data visualization video for the number of muslim converts from 2010 - 2021 over the years in Brunei. The dataset is from the Brunei Department of Statistics.
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4. Programming 🛠️

Generally, I like using Python & Ruby.

5. Hobby

5.1 Chess ♘

I occasionally compete in chess competition organized by Brunei Chess Federation.

5.2 Weightlifting 💪

As of 2023, my strongest lifts:

6. Family Man

I am married to my wife, Sa'aadah. We live together with our two beautiful cats 🐾

